I like to think that I am relatively good at looking after my health. Sure, I could probably make time for a little more exercise and cut out so much of the sweet stuff, but I have vices like anyone else!
As a third time mum recently though, I have noticed that I am not bouncing back as quickly as I did after my other pregnancies both in terms of the physical and emotional side so I have focussed on some changes to help me feel like ‘me’ again more quickly.
Making sure that I get the vitamins I need to support my body post pregnancy.
Since I find it hard making sure I get the right vitamins from the food I eat - especially given time constraints to prepare really nutritious meals - Pregnacare tablets provide the perfect solution.
Getting a small bit of exercise and fresh air every day.
I find this clears my head and gives me a renewed sense of energy which is so important when you are tired because of the lack of sleep that comes with a newborn! This exercise may come in the form of some stretching at home or a short walk, but you’ll know what’s right for you.
Taking a small bit of time out from it all….
Admittedly this isn’t easy when you have kids to look after, but if I can snatch just 10 minutes to myself then I’ll run a hot bath and have a soak to recharge. What I love to use in the bath is my Rituals bath foam – The Ritual of Dao – with organic white lotus and yi yi ren, which when the lights are dimmed and some candles are lit helps to promote a moment of calm in the craziness of life.
Most importantly and above all else, I try and listen to what my body and mind is telling me because self-care is so important for us all.